Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How on earth do I keep up?!

I have recently discovered that having semi-self-sufficient nearly adult children, does NOT slow down the pace of life for a stay-at-home Mom! The opposite is true....schedules never mesh, our always full dinner table is almost always lacking 2-3 of the usual 7 mealtime attendees, and the chances for a family photo can be snuffed out in an instant!
So how to keep up with healthy cooking? Easy cleaning? Fun ideas for the in-between free moments? Friends, FaceBook, Blogs and Pinterest! What great resources for easy, healthy and quick ideas! Of course, sometimes I do get sidetracked and spend too much time reading and looking instead of doing....but all in all, I love the way us women can feed off each others creativity and frugality, to help each other produce foods and atmospheres that relax and nourish our families. After all, isn't that a huge part of our calling as moms and wives?
I have long been overwhelmed with recipe hunting (especially the ones I printed out, and now store in ridiculous piles of mayhem), wanting but never achieving perfect organization (unless it is under the duress of the "uh-oh mom is on an insane cleaning bing" insanity), all the while wanting to perfectly home-school my children, perfectly love my Hubby, and perfectly decorate my home on a perfectly maintained budget!!
With the wonderful birth of the electronic age, I have decided to make use of a very few wonderful resources and find ways to make small changes, to reach less perfection more consistently instead of more, very inconsistently. (You know...the crazy cleaning binges, painting binges, throwing and giving away binges)and to instead choose a very few things to begin to do well. For instance, I need to work on a devotional time in the morning...solution; find something easy to read, ask hubby to wake me up, just do it...no huge expectations, but lots of consistency. Second, go to flylady.com and get moving on her simple one-step changes to keep my house cleaner. Third, pray for strength to keep my better diet!! I have started The 17 Day Diet, which has been really wonderful for the 3 days I have been on it, but you know how diets go!
So, I am going to spend more time looking for accountability, and easy ways to keep doing what I should be so that our house is a special place to come home to! For my Hubby, for my away-son, my semi-away-son, and my stay-at-home-daughter and 2 stay-at-home sons! Thank the Lord for great friends and great online tools! May He give me the strength to overcome all obstacles!!
May your day be Simply Scrumptious!


  1. Great start, Anita! Welcome to the world of blogging! When you know an audience is hearing you (we are!!), there is your accountability. Keep it up, the eyes of the world wide wibe are watching!

  2. Thank you for your input Jenny, and kudos for being my first comment EVER! :)
    I love that we can network and be a support, together, and as sisters, what a blessing!
